I hate having arguments with my husband, because in his eyes... he's always right.
Plus half of our arguments are over childish sht.
I told him I didn't want to watch "his" show with him because he forces me to watch them out of order. He then explained I had the ability to watch them at night. Which isn't true [I share television time with the kids]. However, I also explained that I like to watch shows in order. He KNOWS this about me. I've re-started whole series over and over if I lose my place. So, his thought is that I can watch Episode 10 today and spend that time "with the family" [as if the kids aren't plugged straight into their tablets the whole time] and then watch the previous episodes at night that way HE doesn't lose HIS place in the show while I work and he continues to watch the rest without me.
It's so childish and stupid to fight over this, especially since it's *my* lunchtime. My breaktime.
My frustration is his reaction, he started swearing at me and then stomping around and ignoring me for the rest of the time while mumbling under his breath.
I can't live with that hostility and honestly I'd rather be ANYWHERE but here right now. I know I love him but right now I don't like him at all.